
9 Business That Almost Missed Out On ERC

By |2022-08-16T15:31:51-07:00August 16th, 2022|Categories: Employee Retention Tax Credit, ERC, ERTC|Tags: , , |

They almost lost out... I've been kind of geeking out about this ERC program and the more I dig, the more I learn. If you want to chat about it, my number is at the bottom of this post. But these are just 9 businesses that almost missed out on ERC because either they just [...]

Should Churches Benefit From ERTC?

By |2022-08-09T01:12:21-07:00August 5th, 2022|Categories: Employee Retention Tax Credit, ERTC|Tags: , , |

The three most heated topics of discussion in the United States are, Government, Religion and Money. When you dare lump all three of them together in a single activity, you might as well crack open the first seal and launch the beginning of the Apocalypse. There's so much heated debate about how churches and government [...]

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