I heard Tony Robbins talk once about how he was on the way to one of his first huge events in some arena. He said despite the fact that they thought they left with plenty of time to get there the traffic had been atrocious. In fact it was the worst traffic he ever saw. He knew that at the pace they were going, he was never going to make it there on time. He said he was super concerned and anxious that by the time he got there that the crowd would be angry or that some would leave. He kept trying to come up with a solution but there really wasn’t one other than ride it out.
It wasn’t until he got closer to the venue that it suddenly hit him that ALL of that horrible traffic was all the people that were going to see HIM. He ended up being about an hour late to his own event. But, because so many other people were late, they were thrilled that they hadn’t missed out on much of his presentation. He said it was a great event that day and that he realized himself that day that it does no good to stress and worry about things you don’t have control of. Relax, you’ll get through it.
It’s probably the same thing Benjamin Franklin meant when he said, “Keep in the Sunlight”.