Real Estate Services

I had the pleasure of meeting with Alice West, President of Transform Your Space during an in person networking meeting.

Because I recognize the value of decluttering a home prior to selling, I decided to grill her a bit about her services.

You see, there’s High End Stagers that cost many thousands of dollars and have their place and there’s people who just offer organizational services because they thought it would be a good idea and fun and they have a place as well.

However I did get a sense that first of all she knows her stuff and secondly that she fits perfectly in the middle ground between high end stagers and the low end organizers.  And at the same time she has resources for both if the scope of work you need is outside her range of services.

Even though I haven’t had the opportunity to work on any one of my listings as of this posting I would still be happy to recommend that you give her a call to help get your home prepared to sell.  She’ll get you on the right track.

Alice West, Presdident


I’ve known Murry for close to two decades and I’ve used him on my own home as well as recommended him to many of my clients.

He’s kind of one of those guys who will just shoot it straight with you, tell you what needs to be done, doesn’t add fluff and then just get the job done fast.

So consider giving him a call when you need to switch out your locks.

(714) 394-2022

Are you thinking of starting a career in real estate or are you just trying to revamp or boost your existing real estate business?

Visit Real Estate Plan B and watch a brief training video that will show you how to automatically add additional revenue streams to your business so whether times are good or when they get a little rough, you’ll still be making money every single day.

Real Estate Plan B

My Real Estate Courses

Learn to write your very own real estate book in as little as 10 days.

Become the expert in you niche and take more listings right away.

People are always asking me, “Hey Anthony, what marketing tools do you use to do that thing?”

And if you know me, you know I am always happy to share.  I don’t keep secrets.  There’s plenty of business for everyone.

Sooo…Here they are!

Content Creation for any business

Google News – It blows me away when people tell me they don’t know what to write about.  The process is simple.  Look at what’s hot in the news TODAY and create your own commentary on the subject.  People may warn you to not be too controversial in your view but that’s a personal preference.  For extra authority, include the link to the original article you read.  It will show you’re up on what’s current.

Fiverr – is great for lots of other things.  If you need a logo, or some other graphic.  How about a voice over for your voice mail.  Why don’t you have Christoper Walken call one of your past clients for some fun.  Maybe you need a cool business card design.  Go ahead and check them out.  These links are to some of my favorites.

Your Brain! – What do you have to say?  Well then, say it!

One of the best email autoresponder services available.

Automate Your Email Marketing with AWeber

God knows I’ve read shelves and shelves full of self help, sales and marketing and other books.

Of all the books I’ve read there are only a few of them that stand out.  And the one curently in the number one position is Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson.

He has a simple way of explaining even the most complicated things and when I read this I learned so much about the sales process and it changed everything about how I made sales.

Don’t get me wrong.  I have had plenty of success in sales over the years but the content in this book cranked it up several notches as well as added a few other revenue streams to my business.

He does offer the book for free.  Just pay for the cost of shipping.  Why?  Well, of course he’s selling something too.  He sells his ClickFunnels platform.  It too is a great tool for building out the sales process.  Don’t worry about that though.  Just get the book, read it from cover to cover, read it again and implement as you go.


ScreenCast-O-Matic has been one of my most valuable tools.  For under $20/yr, it is an intensely robust yet super easy to use screen capture software that every marketer must have if they are doing screen capture videos.  It has every bell and whistle you need to make great videos.  The reason I switched from Camtasia was because I spent several hundred dollars to purchase Camtasia.  I used it successfully for a while but…when my hard drive crashed, I tried to install it on my new computer. It wouldn’t let me.  When I reached out to the folks who make Camtasia, they told me I needed to de-register it from the other computer before they would let me install it on a new computer.  Uh…did I mention my hard drive crashed.  As in, fried, kaput, zippo.  There was no computer to de-register it from.  Their response…”Too Bad!  You’ll have to spend hundreds of dollars (again) for a new license.”  That wasn’t cool with me.  With ScreenCast-O-Matic, I can log in and install on any device and deactivate any device as needed.  Anyway, I’ve been a big fan of ScreenCast-O-Matic since.